Sunday, April 21, 2013

Lab Design Expert Witness Services Case Awarded to Well Known Lab Architect

Lab design expert witness Bernstein & Associates, Architects ( is pleased to announce that it has been hired for lab design expert witness services for a lab design case in California.

The case relies on the experience of the company in the area of lab design, as well as experience as lab design expert witness services.

For more info on lab design , please see

Additional information on expert witness services can be found on the expert witness Twitter account at

Additional information on lab design can be found on the lab design Twitter account at

About Bernstein & Associates, Architects:

Founded in 1990, this lab architecture firm specializes in all lab design types, including research lab design, clinical lab design, industrial lab design, pharmaceutical lab design, biosafety lab design, medical device lab design, flavor and fragrance lab design, plant lab design, animal lab design, electronics lab design, and incubator lab design.

Lab design projects by Bernstein & Associates, Architects can be viewed at

Additional ways to view the lab design work of the firm are
and and For further Information about planning and design of a lab, contact Bernstein & Associates, Architects:

Bernstein & Associates, Architects
New York, Hartford, Princeton, and Los Angeles

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