Saturday, August 27, 2011

Dialysis Facility Design Trends

Bernstein & Associates, Architects, creator of state-of-the-art healthcare and laboratory environments is pleased to announce the publication of an article on current dialysis facility design trends in the September 2011 issue of Renal Business Today. Topics discussed include:

- General dialysis facility layout strategies
- The importance of family-conscious dialysis design
- Balancing an open dialysis plan with patient privacy
- Flexibility to accommodate future advances in dialyzer technology
- The use of wing walls to subdivide a larger dialysis space
- Efficient use of dialysis facility space
- Customizing dialysis design for children, the elderly, or other patient populations
- The use of real or simulated natural lighting
- Optimal surface color palettes
- Patient entertainment
- Design strategies to reduce risk of infections
- HVAC system requirements
- The use of heat-sealed vinyl wall coverings
- Improving staff hand sanitization through design
- Waterless hand sanitization solutions
- The importance of proper water purification
- Water supply system requirements
- Alternatives to PVC plumbing
- Disposal areas for liquid waste
- The importance of environmentally friendly design
- The use of recycled building materials
- The competitive advantage provided by proper facility design

© 2011 by William N. Bernstein, LEED®AP, AIA and Manu Venkat. Healthcare and lab design expert William N. Bernstein, LEED®AP, PMI, CSI, AIA is the President of Bernstein & Associates, Architects Mr. Bernstein is a well-known expert in healthcare and laboratory design.

For Dialysis Facility Design see,

For more information on healthcare and lab design, contact:

Bernstein & Associates, Architects
1201 Broadway - #803, New York, NY 10001
P: 212.463.0800

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